Welcome to the Tool Country USA Blog!







Well… this isn’t the start of spring that any of us wanted. With many events cancelled and many out of work, this month’s blog will be about some fun activities to do at home! We wish everyone to stay healthy as they can during this crazy time!


scavenger huntCreate an indoor and possibly outdoor (weather permitting) scavenger hunt! This is fun for both adults and children! If your children are still out of school, this is the perfect activity to get them moving and doing something other than watching TV. Create a list of 8-10 items, after you’ve hidden them in the house and set them loose to find them.  If the kids are older, instead of putting what they need to find, you can put clues down and see if they can figure it out!


dressupCreate a fashion show and or photo shoot! If you children like to dress up and have costumes, why not have a fashion show and at the end they can have a photo shoot and show off their wonderful creations! This helps with their creativity levels and may in turn create a few good laughs for everyone. If your bold enough, up load the pictures to social media and let everyone see their creations. You never know, you could have a fashion designer in the making!

Create a movie night! Set up your living room for an indoor theater. There are ways to create it so it is like a real movie theater, really just depends on how in depth you want to go. You can set up a list a movies and let the family pick one to all watch and have snacks set up, to get the party started. It’s a great time to watch the movies that as a family would normally go to the movie theater for.moviengith


Lastly, this one isn’t much fun as others, but now that the children are home it is a perfect time to get rid of clothes that are too small, clean out their playroom, and clean their dreaded bedroom. Having the children help, gives them a better understanding of what each of their belongings mean to them and how to part with ones that they no longer play with and no longer need. It is also a good time to talk about giving to the less fortunate and how giving back to the community is needed.


We as a nation will get through this tough time so when the time is right we can all return to our “normal” lives. Stay Healthy and Stay Well.



** Tool Country USA**








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